20 research outputs found

    Informetric Analysis of Articles published in Nigerian Libraries: Journal of the Nigerian Library Association (2009 – 2018)

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    This informetric study was aimed at finding out the distribution of articles and authors that published in the Nigerian Libraries: Journal of the Nigerian Library Association from 2009 to 2018. Also, the year-wise growth of of research articles; auhorship pattern; and collaboration ratio; subject distribution of articles and institutional affiliation of authors were examined. The journal was selected based on it\u27s consistency and popularity. Data collected through a self-designed checklist was analysed using frequency count and percentage. The findings revealed that 134 articles, contributed by 252 authors were published in Nigerian Libraries from 2009-2018. An annual average growth of 31.56% was observed. Overall year-wise authorship pattern revealed thst majority of 60.45% articles published in the Journal were multiple autored. Also, articles on ICT dominated Nigerian Libraries. Some subject areas not covered were identified, such as: indexing and serial collections management. Average collaborative index across the 10-year period was 0.60, while majority of the contributors were from the universities, with only a fraction from the polytechnics. The study, therefore, recommended that awareness should be created by the publishers to familiarize the researchers with publishing requirements of the journal. Also, LIS researchers (especially in polytechnics and colleges of education) should engage more in research activities and publish such in reputable journals; and concentrate more on areas usually left untouched by previous studies

    Awareness and Use of Solar Energy as Alternative Power Source for ICT Facilities in Nigerian University Libraries and Information Centres

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    One of the major hindrances to the penetration of information and communication technology (ICT) devices in underserved and unserved areas in the developing nations is the absence and inadequacy of electricity to power technological devices. Inadequate supply from the national grid, land and water pollution from oil spillage in the oil producing communities among other factors have led Nigeria and indeed the world to look for alternative power supply such as solar energy. Unfortunately, utilization and development of solar energy is rising in other parts of the world but encountered with low pace of development and utilization in Nigeria. This paper reports a survey carried out to investigate the awareness and use of solar energy as alternative power source for ICT facilities in Nigerian library and information centres. Descriptive research design using survey method was adopted for this study. Questionnaire was designed and used as survey instrument. The population for this study includes the staff of three Nigerian university libraries. This study finds that all the respondents have good knowledge of what solar energy is Majority of the respondents have experienced solar energy as alternative power source for ICT before. They have also read and heard about solar energy as alternative power source. They were therefore well informed about solar energy equipment as majority of them have alternative power source (mostly power generating sets) in their libraries. They were also aware that solar energy can power their ICT equipment as they also believe that using solar energy, erratic power supply can be mitigated to a large extent. Conclusions were drawn based on the findings of the study and recommendations offered

    Health Information Provision for the Vulnerable Orphans in Ogun State, Nigeria

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    This descriptive study investigated the health information provision for Orphans in Ijamido Children’s Home Orphanage, Ado-Odo Ota Local Government in Ogun State. The study sought to find out the orphans’ need for health information, their sources of health information, constraints to getting health information and their perception on availability of health information. The snowball sampling method was used to select 98 respondents for the study. The findings indicated that orphans need health information; they employed various channels such as radio, television, newspaper, church etc. to obtain health information. However, lack of access to health information, delay in getting health information, among others, are constraints to getting health information. It was therefore recommended that collective efforts should be made in order to provide adequate health information materials and professionals for effective health information delivery services to the orphans in orphanage homes and re-integration for better future

    Division of Labour and Job Specialization as Catalysts for Better Job Performance among the Staff of a Nigerian University Library

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    This study brought into fore some salient discoveries about the strength and weaknesses of division of labour and job specialization on the overall job performance of the staff of a Nigerian university library. A descriptive survey method was adopted to elicit information from the respondents. A questionnaire was designed with 30 structured questions including the demography of the respondents. Fifty (50) copies of questionnaires were distributed among the library staff of Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta and forty five (45) were returned. Forty two (42) out of these were found usable. This study finds that majority of respondents agree that job specialization makes their work easier and faster, enhances their job performance and they are fully satisfied with their present area of specialization, while a sizable number were dissatisfied because their training does not correspond with their present posting. The study also finds that library and information centres still cannot do without division of labour and job specialization even with the emergence of ICT infusion into library and information services provision. The respondents also preferred the present division of labour although a paltry number disagreed. Recommendations were made based on the findings of the study and conclusions drawn

    Awareness and Protection of Human and Electronic Library Resources from Lightning Disaster: A Survey of Selected Nigerian Libraries

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    Disaster prevention and management is a crucial aspect of library management. Creating awareness and protecting human and electronic library resources from lightning disaster require immediate attention of library managers. Lightning strike is a deadly natural disaster that poses serious danger to both human and electronic library resources, hence the need for creating awareness about its threat to human and material resources. This study was focused on creating awareness and protecting human and electronic library resources from lightning strike disaster in Nigerian university libraries. A descriptive survey method was adopted to elicit information from the respondents of this study. A questionnaire was designed with 29 structured questions including the demography of the respondents. Eighty (80) copies of questionnaires were distributed among the staff of the selected university libraries. Seventy two (72) questionnaires returned were all found usable. This study finds that majority of the respondents do not have awareness programme about protection from lightning disaster in their libraries. The study also finds that majority of the respondents are not aware that lightning strike can kill or cause serious health injury. The study also finds that human resources in the libraries require adequate protection from lightning strike and the advent of more electronic ICT equipment in the libraries necessitates the deployment of lightning protection equipment. The study finds that the libraries cannot ignore lightning strike equipment installation as this will be detrimental to the safety of human and material resources. Some recommendations were made based on the findings of the study and conclusions drawn. Keywords: Awareness and protection, Human and electronic library resources, Lightning disaster, Nigerian librarie

    Managing the Library\u27s Corporate Culture for Organizational Efficiency, Productivity, and Enhanced Service

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    The library\u27s corporate culture can be managed to enhance organizational efficiency, productivity, and service. This article compares views on organizational culture and applies them to libraries. The effect of changing information culture on library culture is examined

    Use of Reproductive Health Information among University Undergraduates in Ogun State, Nigeria

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    Young adults bear a higher risk of reproductive health problems than adults. Cases of unwanted pregnancies and their attendant complications reportedly rank among the highest in Africa. This study therefore investigates reproductive health and use of health information among university undergraduates in Nigeria. Correlational research design was adopted using descriptive survey method. Questionnaire was designed and used as survey instrument. The study used 25% of 6,978 undergraduate students from government and private universities in Abeokuta, Ogun State between 16-24 years old from each of the 35 departments that made up 8 colleges in the two universities. A total number of 1,745 copies of questionnaire were administered to the respondents out of which 1,500 copies were filled completely and retrieved making the response rate to be 86.95%. The findings of this study show that friends, parents and relatives were the closest sources of health information the respondents have used for reproductive health purposes. Utilisation of health information through information resources was effective. The study also concludes that cultural value, level of education and unfriendly attitude of health officials were parts of the major problems confronting effective utilization of reproductive health information among young adults in Nigeria

    Informetric Analysis of Articles published in Nigerian Libraries: Journal of the Nigerian Library Association (2009 – 2018)

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    This informetric study was aimed at finding out the distribution of articles and authors that published in the Nigerian Libraries: Journal of the Nigerian Library Association from 2009 to 2018. Also, the year-wise growth of of research articles; auhorship pattern; and collaboration ratio; subject distribution of articles and institutional affiliation of authors were examined. The journal was selected based on it\u27s consistency and popularity. Data collected through a self-designed checklist was analysed using frequency count and percentage. The findings revealed that 134 articles, contributed by 252 authors were published in Nigerian Libraries from 2009-2018. An annual average growth of 31.56% was observed. Overall year-wise authorship pattern revealed thst majority of 60.45% articles published in the Journal were multiple autored. Also, articles on ICT dominated Nigerian Libraries. Some subject areas not covered were identified, such as: indexing and serial collections management. Average collaborative index across the 10-year period was 0.60, while majority of the contributors were from the universities, with only a fraction from the polytechnics. The study, therefore, recommended that awareness should be created by the publishers to familiarize the researchers with publishing requirements of the journal. Also, LIS researchers (especially in polytechnics and colleges of education) should engage more in research activities and publish such in reputable journals; and concentrate more on areas usually left untouched by previous studies

    A Survey of the Needs and Utilization of Health Information among Young Adults in Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria

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    Good health is an indispensable prerequisite for the socio-economic development of any country. The increasing number of health related problems among young adults in Nigeria warrants urgent and special attention. This study, therefore focused on health information needs and utilisation among young adults. Correlational research design was adopted for this study using descriptive survey method. Questionnaires were designed and used as survey instruments. The target population for this study were young undergraduates within the ages of 16-24 years. Federal University of Agriculture and Crescent University were selected because they are the two universities within the city of Abeokuta. The study used 25% of undergraduate students from each of the 35 departments that made up 8 colleges in the two universities for the study. Hence, the sample size for this study was 1,745 young adults. A total number of 1,745 copies of questionnaire were administered to the respondents. This study finds that nutrition ranked highest, followed by water treatment, sanitation and diagnosed medical condition among the health information needs of the young adults. Young adults also need health information to avoid unwanted pregnancy, unsafe abortion and HIV/AIDS infection. Access to health information was mostly through textbooks and newspapers/magazines. In addition, the study finds that they also had access to electronic media like radio, television, Internet and GSM mobile phones. This study finds that religious beliefs against the use of drugs ranked highest among the problems that hinder effective health information utilisation among young adults in Nigeria. Conclusion was drawn based on the findings and recommendations were proffered